关于Weather App
Weather forecast for global,All is free, weekly, daily, hourly update with real-time
- Offer today’s weather, tomorrow’s weather, 10 days weather and 24 daily in each hour
- Localized to most of the world languages
- Add and track the weather conditions in multiple locations
- PM 2.5 data available in some regions
- Satellite image & Weather radar
- The next 10 days of rainfall
- Sunset and Sunrise times
- Real time update widget
- Daily Life Index
- Severe weather alerts & Storm forecast
- You can allow and disable the notifications
- Chart graphs for hourly weather forecast and daily weather forecast
- Weather widget and ongoing notification, multiple location on widget
- Various weather information: temperature, wind, humidity, dew point, precipitation, visibility, pressure, sunrise, sunset
- Weather supports geo-positioning, retrieving the latest weather conditions for your current location(Automatic location detection by network and GPS)