关于Weather Forecast | Weather & Local Forecast
All in one Weather Forecast, Everything about Weather Forecasting with Live Radar from Windchill, Daily Rain, Dewpoint, Humidity, Monthly Rain, Average Wind, Pressure, Wind Gust, Sunrise, Moon Waxing Gibbous, Air Quality, Pollen, Spark Lightening, ...and much more.
It's beginner friendly and for professionals.
Varieties of Weather Forecasting Services to make different forecasting comparisons inorder to actualised a desired results. Services from top world most accurate Weather Forecasting Service:
•The National Weather Service
•Weather Underground
•The Weather Channel
•DarkSky (formerly Forecast.io)
•Weather Bug.
Weather forecasting is the prediction of the weather through application of the principles of physics, supplemented by a variety of statistical and empirical techniques. In addition to predictions of atmospheric phenomena themselves, weather forecasting includes predictions of changes on Earth’s surface caused by atmospheric conditions—e.g., snow and ice cover, storm tides, and floods.
Application of radar
As in many fields of endeavour, weather prediction experienced several breakthroughs during and immediately after World War II. The British began using microwave radar in the late 1930s to monitor enemy aircraft, but it was soon learned that radar gave excellent returns from raindrops at certain wavelengths (5 to 10 centimetres). As a result it became possible to track and study the evolution of individual showers or thunderstorms, as well as to “see” the precipitation structure of larger storms. The photograph shows an image of the rain bands (not clouds) in a hurricane.
Weather radar is a vital instrument for observing the atmosphere to help provide weather forecasts and issue weather warnings to the public.