Fixed bugs and made improvements.
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 Well Done 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 Well Done 所有旧版本。下载 Well Done 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
Fixed bugs and made improvements.
In this update:
- History «Year in review!». We have prepared for you a detailed report on your activity in 2024. End the year by reviewing your personalized recap!
- Content loading animation. Now content loading on all screens is accompanied by smooth animation, which makes the waiting process more comfortable.
- Number of characters in comments. At your request, we increased the character limit in comments to 1000 so that you can share your feedback.
We also fixed bugs and made improvements
In this update:
- New look for the main screen. It now provides more useful content information so you can find what you need faster.
- The Order Evaluation block has been updated. We have improved the design of the block to make it clearer and easier to use.
We also fixed bugs and made improvements.
In this update:
- Redesign of the «Enter phone number», «Registration», and «Authorization» screens. We have updated the interface of these screens, making them more modern and user-friendly.
- Improvement of all screens in the app. We have made changes to the design and functionality of all screens to ensure a more intuitive and pleasant user experience.
We also fixed bugs and made improvements.
In this update:
- Zoom in on images. You can now zoom in on an image by simply clicking on it, making it easier to see the details.
- Automatic text scaling. Now the font in the app will automatically change according to the font settings of your device.
We also fixed bugs and made improvements. We have made some improvements and fixes to improve the user experience.
In this update:
- New Year's atmosphere in the app. The festive atmosphere was created with the help of New Year's animation and images on the "QR code" screen.
- Redesign of the detailed purchase screen. The structured display of the receipt allows you to easily familiarize yourself with each offer, making the process of viewing purchases more convenient and efficient.
We also fixed bugs and made improvements. We have made some improvements and fixes to improve the user experience.
In this update:
- Redesign of the «City selection» screen. Now each city is presented in a separate block, which makes navigation easier and allows you to easily select the desired city.
- Updating interface elements and localizations. We have improved the interface and localization elements to provide you with even more comfortable and convenient interaction with the application.
We also fixed bugs and made improvements. We have made some improvements and fixes to improve the user experience.
In this update:
- Updated the format of the distance display. We have improved the way we display the distance to a location to help you navigate better.
- Headings and navigation menus. To make it easier to navigate in the app, we have added headings for each screen.
We also fixed bugs and made improvements. We have made some improvements and fixes to improve the user experience.
Fixed bugs and made improvements.
In this update:
- Redesign of the Purchase Evaluation popup. We have made rating purchase easier and more convenient by removing unnecessary information. Feedback on our services is an even faster way to improve.
- Redesign of the «Select a location» screen. Now you can choose a city and a location on one screen without any extra steps. Find and select a location faster and easier.
We also fixed bugs and made improvements. We have made some improvements and fixes to improve the user experience.
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