This is an improved version of WellTest Pressure DrawDown Calculator.
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WellTest Pressure DrawDown Calculator is developed primarily to offer assistance to petroleum engineers, reservoir engineers, researchers, petroleum production engineers, drilling engineers, completion engineers, petrophysicists, petroleum geologists, students (undergraduates, postgraduates, etc.), and other oil and gas professionals compute the desired parameters: reservoir permeability k, skin factor s, and the drainage volume (reservoir size).
WellTest Pressure DrawDown Calculator computes reservoir permeability, skin factor, and reservoir drainage volume parameters, for a drawdown test (straightline method).
Testing a well (oil well) in order to obtain relevant data which can be analyzed to broaden the knowledge and understanding of hydrocarbon properties and characteristics of the petroleum reservoir form the basis for OilWell Test Analysis.
OilWell Test Analysis plays a vital role in petroleum and reservoir engineering. It's one of the important keys to understand well and reservoir performance.
Input parameters for OilWell DrawDown Test Calculator include: production rate, oil formation volume factor, oil viscosity, semi-log straightline slope, formation thickness, initial reservoir pressure, pressure at time=1hr, formation permeability, formation porosity, total system compressibility, well bore radius, etc.
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