关于What is Bitcoin (For Beginner)
App What is Bitcoin (For Beginner) is only for beginner only. If you are professional, better not to download this app. :)
In this app you will learn What is Bitcoin and why use Bitcoin? Is Bitcoin Legal? You will learn how Bitcoin Works and how to mining it. You must have Bitcoin Wallet for this purpose.
This app also will tell you about what is Ethereum and how it works,. Who Created Ethereum? You will the answer in this app.
There is the Difference Between Litecoin and Bitcoin.
Do you know What is Blockchain Technology and How Does it works?
This app also will tell you how to trade Crypto on many platforms such as Poloniex, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Coinbase, Gemini, Huobi, Bitstamp, BitMEX, Kraken and many others.
Feel free to download this app