**App Is Not Working Anymore , might update soon**
You have to update the app to latest version or it will not work.
Before giving the app a 1 start and saying it is not working properly please READ the following.
This tool will help you track a number's activity on WhatsApp , the app will give you exact details of a user's activity even when LastSeen is set to nobody and the app does not require WhatsApp to run .
The app will display a log of All activity and a log of the current day activity .
To track a number simply add the contact and let the tracking begin . If the number is already being tracked data will be displayed directly , but if the number is new , you will need to wait some time until it gets verified which usually takes 4 to 7 minutes OR sometimes more !(Some times numbers take a lot of time to get verified so please be patient). Now when tracking a new number , the data will not be displayed directly , you need to wait until the user is online . As soon as the user gets online the app will show at what time he got online and if user is still online , the app will say "Still Online" , once the user is offline the app will display at what time the user got offline.
Q:Will the app show me online on WhatsApp ?
A:The app does not require whats app to load , so it will not take you online.
Q:Why is the data not showing for valid user ?
A:Maybe the user has WhatsApp+ installed and the LastSeen was hidden.
Q:Why is the log time incorrect?
A:Make sure your phone's date and time are correct.
If you have a question that is not answered or need help here please contact by mail .
"Some people laughed at the idea , but i sticked to it"
Lebanese Developer
-Fixed some graphical bugs
-Added Settings
-Added use of 12 Hours-Format
-Fixed all icons in app
-Fixed Add Contact screen showing black in input feild
-Fixed icons on Tab screens
-Added Application Status Screen