Do you wish to sell your stuff that you want to make space for new items? Or, do you have unwanted Christmas gifts? Wouldn’t you love to be able to swap it with something that is of more use to you now? Want to save money? Online trade & barter system is the next big thing and will be overtaking online shopping in the years to come. Instead of spending money to get something new, you can get it by trading it with something you possess like a Christmas gift or a black Friday purchase. It’s economical, and it works, without a fallout. The search function is an added novelty.
Ordinary Buy & sell will be replaced by trading and exchanging and you better make sure you are on the right side of the deal when that happens. Just take a pic of your item, and post it on WIKISWAP : USED ITEMS LOCAL BARTER APP, and you will be contacted by interested people in no time at all.
This barter trade app is the best solution if you want to barter items with your peers, friends or even with people you’ve never met, we have bееn very buѕу оvеr thе lаѕt mоnthѕ working with our users tо сrеаtе a the ultimate barter system and satisfactory vеrѕiоn of Wikiswap that соmbinеѕ the trаditiоnаl way of swapping with a mоdеrn twiѕt. Simply search for what you want and discard what you don’t.
The community using this items exchange app has grown manifold in the past few months and now is the right time to cash in by setting up your account with a few clicks and start swapping whatever you wish. You don’t have to spend money. If you want something, just go and look in your inventory for something you don’t need anymore, and swap both items. As easy as that. There is no fallout to this. Peer to peer communication and interaction never was more meaningful.
Build Profile:
Sign up for free. You can use Facebook or Twitter to log in from WikiSwap and get started trading to save money on local deals.
Post the ads:
Snap to swap. Take a snap of the item like a game you wish to sell, upload it, make an ad. And get ready to find someone who is ready to trade with some games of his own.
Browse through Different items:
Search for your favorite items using filter search as a category, date, location, price, etc. Search and get ready to barter trade.
Manage your Trades:
You get a dashboard to view all of your swapping history and records of your communication with fellow peers. All on one screen. Trade away. Every item you ever gave or received will be listed here
Chat is the core part of any deal. This Item exchange app allows direct chat with the person you want to trade or exchange your goods with. No buy, no sell. Just swap. Just trade.
Ratings and Notifications:
Notifications to keep you swapping. Ratings are just what we get in exchange. We are bringing the item to you for free!
• Absolutely Free
• Expanding every day
• A simple process of posting ads to sell your stuff and browsing for stuff and services
• Huge community with almost every type of stuff and service available
• Chat directly to the owner of your favorite item
• Reliable online swap platform
• One of the best new peer to peer trade and barter app
Sign with WikiSwap items barter app and save on local deals. Browse through our easy to use the buy, sell, barter system and see why we are one of the best p2p swap app that makes you save money. We are sure you will find something interesting to buy, sell, swap and save money. So start now, DOWNLOAD WIKISWAP : USED ITEMS LOCAL BARTER APP