"We are leaving." or "We our leaving."?
"It had no effect." or "It had no affect."?
"The car was stationary." or "The car was stationery."?
"WordFail" is an educational game designed to help you learn the proper usage of the most commonly misused words in English. These are mistakes that even native English speakers make! Think you're an English-language master? What if we only gave you a few seconds to choose the right answer? Now it becomes a game even college English professors will find challenging!
Downloading and playing "WordFail" has its benefits:
Sound More Professional in Emails!
-Be it a client, a boss, or even a relative, making simple grammatical and spelling mistakes can make you come off as unprofessional, or even rude. This app can help prevent you from making a word fail!
Perfect for use in English classrooms!
-Tired of seeing your students making the same incorrect word choices? Have them play this game to hone their vocabulary skills, whether they are learning English as a second language, or are native speakers!
Perfect for TOEIC and TOEFL students!
-This is a great way to remember some of the trickier words in the English language!
Tease your friends!
-Call out your friends when they "word fail" with #WordFail on social media. Just make sure to proofread your messages, so you won't "word fail" as well...
-Icon fixed
-Typo fixed