关于健身教练 Workout Trainer
健身教练 有以下功能:
✓ 教练音频指令和进度提示教你健身
✓ 漂亮的运动照片和高清的视频详细介绍了每个举动
✓ 免费健康测试让你定制体验
✓ 连接您的Wear OS 智能手表或蓝牙LE 胸带监视器以获得反馈和性能分析!
✓ 轻松创建和使用我们的多媒体锻炼文库
✓ 新鲜的内容:每周锻炼挑战,主屏幕锻炼工具
✓ 通过电子邮件,Email 和 SMS 分享您的锻炼
✓ 锻炼时播放你喜欢的音乐
✓ 了解我们的20万大军锻炼者的社区
✓ 观看高清健身示范视频带专业版音频指导
✓ 尝试社区新建议的锻炼
✓ 練習與健身訓練軟件
✓ 享受成就感
新的! 由您最喜爱的 YouTube 健身名人主持的大量精心策划的锻炼计划 💪🤩***
健身教练 Workout Trainer 是您的个人健康教练!
Are you looking for awesome at-home bodyweight and rep-based gym workouts? All you need is Workout Trainer! Use Workout Trainer to get in the best shape of your life with thousands of multimedia workouts and training programs that help you achieve your fitness goals. Follow along to move-by-move video, photo and audio instructions led by expert coaches. Whether you’re doing bodyweight workouts at home or lifting weights at the gym, Workout Trainer is the ultimate fitness companion. Use the app to help you lose weight, slim & tone, build muscle + practice yoga in a fun, easy and fast way. Continue to stay motivated with the support of Workout Trainer's community of 20 million exercisers.
Workout Trainer is packed with many awesome features:
• Follow along as coaches guide you with audio instructions and progress cues
• See beautiful exercise photos and videos that explain each move in detail
• Complete our free virtual fitness assessment for a customized experience
• Connect your Wear OS Smartwatch or Bluetooth LE chest strap monitor for feedback and performance analysis!
• Easily create and edit workouts using our multimedia exercise library
• Fresh content: Workout of the Week challenges and daily workouts
• Follow the Trainers who share tips & photos to help you stay motivated
• Enroll in custom training programs that help you achieve your goals
健身教练? 私人教练认证?
If you are a Certified Personal Trainer, get discovered with a professional profile and use our free tools to send workouts to your clients and fans.
***OWN YOUR WORKOUT, one step at a time, and before you know it...you will have crushed your fitness goals this year!***
• 目标运动强度图表,用于可视化训练表现概况
• 训练播放器界面改进
• 持续改进用户体验
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