关于World Water Skiers
Our Mission:
To implement a user friendly, modern platform that will streamline workflow. This will UNITE THE SPORT through its groups from the top to bottom.
This platform will provide COMMON TOOLS to Federations, Enhancing the Experience and Interactivity for its Officials and its Members.
This will grow the sport by BRINGING VALUE to its members, and exposing water skiing to a wider audience.
Our Aims:
To promote tournament skiers that hold National competitive licences.
To better organize and support National and International events.
To work with the IWWF Tournament Council on promotion while streamlining the logistics of the sport.
To assist in the development of competitive tournament waterskiing from the grassroots upwards, worldwide.
To promote and help establish new tournaments and events around the world.
To encourage and coordinate the use of new technology to improve the sport.
What we are Providing:
WWS is a constantly growing central data HUB that has been thoroughly planned with every detail taken into account for everyone’s benefit, using new ideas and the latest technology to stay ahead of the times.
For the last two years WWS has invested in the planning and development of an entirely brand new Platform that includes several key features:
WATERSKI MANAGEMENT PLATFORM (with shared access to data via API – Application Program Interface)
From our early vision we believe this will help UNITE the sport and get everyone moving in the same direction with the same common goal – To Grow Our Sport.
Going Forward:
WWS has been testing, talking with scorers, the IWWF and other Federations to understand their needs. We all now feel the sport is moving in the right direction.
Our sport is too small to be working alone, as we are divided and fragmented.
The sport must unite globally in order to compete against well-funded sports.
Please join in on this movement to help UNITE our great sport. It is our commitment to always keep innovating.
o are you ready… We are!