Wrote your life.
Q - I'm always writing some note, but how can other person can't see?
A - It's OK! I've put some security system on them.
Q - But you used only a Java Beginer! There can be some bugs that can clear my note...
A - Oh... I unexpected that.... NOPE! That was a joke. I added a system that note can't be edited when note is locked, and user is not authorized!
Q - Wow Good! Is there a usable features?
A - Always YES! You can set 6 colors for text and background.... finding some easter egg with those anime...
Did you read this all? Oh, really? Thanks!
=6 colors for the Text and Background
=Encrypt your note with password
=Unlimited Notes
=Easter Egg(?)
Q - If theres an error occurred, can you fix it?
A - Of course! Just send one report email on [email protected] with a error log, when and where did error occurred, and one screenshot (If you put a video, I will be very happy!)
Huge thanks to:
⏩ ZabójczyBuldog56 ⏪ For helping translating Polski (Poland)!
Now you can search note from note list!