关于Yocto - Tiny Launcher
Yocto is a lightweight, fast, minimalist and simple launcher that helps you saving the time you would lose personalising your home screen, because you can't actually do that. Don't waste your time organising your apps, downloading and installing themes, setting fancy transitions and effects or changing the color; but instead, waste your time installing Yocto: it will really help you saving your precious time.
– Launch apps.
– Save battery.
– Lauch apps.
– Keep it simple.
Free and open-source
We love sharing code! You can build your own custom launcher with the source code of this amazing project. Here's a link to the GitHub repository, so you can do whatever you want with the code:
– https://github.com/ruslangm/android-launcher
– Less annoying transparency effect.
– Minimalism and simplicity conserved.
– There are no new features.