关于Yoga Poses
Browse our extensive yoga pose library, with a vast collection of everything from basic to advanced poses, seated and standing poses, twists, challenge poses.
Yoga, Sanskrit for "yoking" or "union", is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines that originated in ancient India, aimed at controlling ('yoking') and stilling the mind, and recognizing the detached 'witness-consciousness' as untouched by the activities of the mind and mundane suffering. There are a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and traditional forms and modern methods of yoga are practiced worldwide.
The term "yoga" in the Western world often denotes a modern form of hatha yoga and a posture-based physical fitness, stress-relief and relaxation technique, consisting largely of the asanas, in contrast with traditional yoga, which focuses on meditation and release from wordly attachments. It was introduced by gurus from India, following the success of Vivekanandas adaptation of yoga without asanas in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who introduced the Yoga Sutras to the west. The Yoga Sutras gained prominence in the 20th century following the success of hatha yoga.
Disclaimer: Yoga from this app should be carried out after consulting professional. We are not responsible for injuries caused by practicing. This app is merely a guide and it provides information about yoga.