Angry Neighbor Free

Angry Neighbor Free

  • 21.7 MB

    اندازه فایل

  • Android 3.0+

    Android OS

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درباره‌ی Angry Neighbor Free

best Neighbor Game and New for 2018 With Zombie

The neighbor was always an unusual person and something that he hid in his house, you become curious, and you go to his home, but instead of getting acquainted, he starts to catch you, avoiding the traps of a neighbor, and also independently studying the house.....This is all for the famous game Neighbor .But here with the game :Angry Neighbor Free There is something different and the omission of them the jump of stages and earn points to pass the next leg ...

This game is like Zombie City 3D Sniper Game and You can shots on many missions and fight and enjoy modes and levels ...

The new war game with incredible 3D graphics. Your goal is to survive on the undead apocalypse in this living dead shooter. Destroy the waves of zombies before the infection spreads and the becomes unstoppable. Adjust the zoom in your rifle, hold your finger on the trigger and make great headshots. Can you stop the epidemic and be the real zombie hunter?

FPS action in this shooter game, a combination of weapons, strategy and gore style. Take control of a sniper and clean the streets of the funny dead. Stop the zombie attack, arm your weapons and start the carnage! Stay alert for undead actions, choose your target, aim for accuracy, and shoot ...

Generally passing through the stages with the elimination of zombie….


- Good 3D-graphics, optimized for mobile devices.

- Good and quality management

- Unusual plot

- Full freedom of action

-Do whatever you want

-Adventure game and best

-Climb to different places

-Explore new levels

- best Angry Game

Enjoy the game thanks

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  • برنامه‌نما Angry Neighbor Free عکس از صفحه
  • برنامه‌نما Angry Neighbor Free عکس از صفحه
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