Game Turbo - Free Gamebooster

Game Turbo - Free Gamebooster

Xiaomi Inc.
  • 6.4

    36 بررسی ها

  • 1.6 MB

    اندازه فایل

  • Android 10.0+

    Android OS

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درباره‌ی Game Turbo - Free Gamebooster

For XIAOMI Phones Only!

Game Turbo is an app that comes built-in on Xiaomi devices that makes it possible to enhance device performance. Specifically, it lets you enjoy your favorite games which, in some cases, need to use the phone's maximum RAM in order to run smoothly.


1. Enhance performance of xiaomi devices.

2. Simple interface and easy to use.

3. Speed up your favorite games.

In typical Xiaomi fashion, Game Turbo has a minimalist interface that makes the using the app quite simple. Basically, you just have to open the app and select the performance settings that you want to set to improve how your smartphone runs games.

Depending on the type of game you're going to run, you'll need to have more or fewer resources available. In any case, the app itself is able to identify the technical requirements of the different games to give them the power needed to run each one.

Game Turbo is one of those system apps that Xiaomi incorporates in its devices to boost the performance of your favorite video games. It's essential to make the most of the technical capabilities of your smartphone if you want to play games without interruptions or annoying lag problems. In addition, this app allows the rest of your apps to continue running in the background so you can use them if you need them.

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  • برنامه‌نما Game Turbo - Free Gamebooster عکس از صفحه
  • برنامه‌نما Game Turbo - Free Gamebooster عکس از صفحه
  • برنامه‌نما Game Turbo - Free Gamebooster عکس از صفحه
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