دربارهی I'm Not Here
I'm Not Here. The easy way to set your voicemail message for when you are out.
Simplify your morning office routine!
Many organizations require their staff to set a voice mail message every day. Policies for voice mail message usually dictate that the message must include your name, the current date and options to leave a message or zero out to an operator.
The process of creating these daily voice mail messages is tiresome. It is prone to errors (such as mumbling and mistaking the current date) that cause one to rerecord the message, sometime many time in one day. Often the final message is barely comprehensible.
Use your Android device and I'm Not here to automate this process. You may never need to speak another voice mail message again!
I'm Not Here makes the process easy. It inserts the current date (spoken by Android's text-to-speech feature) into your message so that you do not even have to check your calendar in the morning.
I'm Not Here includes two options for creating the voice mail message:
• text to speech - have your Android device speak a message that is entered by typing. The text entered message is automatically saved so that it is played every day that a voice mail message is set.
• recording - if you do not like the synthesized voice available on your Android device, record the message in your own voice. Your voice mail message will still be recognizable as you, but you won't have to make a new recording every morning.
Settings are also available to:
• lock your recordings (to prevent accidentally overwriting them)
• set the text-to-speech pitch
• set the text-to-speech rate
Not only does I'm Not Here make the daily voice mail message simple. It also makes it fun!
I'm Not Here is free (MIT License) and contains no ads.
I'm Not Here requires Android 4.0.3 or later.
جدیدترین 0.6.0 چه خبر است
added setting for speech volume (several users have reported that the text to speech is much louder than the recorded speech. This new setting allows the user to control the text to speech volume to match the recording volume.
Version 0.5.2
several user interface tweaks
Version 0.5.1
several user interface tweaks
اطلاعات I'm Not Here APK
نسخههای قدیمی I'm Not Here
I'm Not Here 0.6.0

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