PUNSUP - Online Procurement Application
The Punjab State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited, popularly known as PUNSUP, came into being on February 14, 1974, as a wholly owned Government Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, having its Registered Office at Chandigarh, controlled by the Board of Directors headed by the Chairman nominated by the State Government, with executive powers vested with the Managing Director, in accordance with the provisions of its Memorandum & Articles of Association, in order to run the day to day affairs of the corporation, with the main motto to uplift the farming community on one hand by procuring their produce on Minimum Support Price (MSP) fixed by the Government of India and on the other to provide food-grains & other essential commodities to the weaker section of the society on subsidized rates under Public Distribution System (PDS), including Atta Dal Scheme of Punjab Government, besides providing the items of daily use and LPG to the consumers of the State on lesser rates than prevailing in the market.