Ucapkan Dua Jameela dan diberkati .....
Whoever recites the Names of Allahu ta 'ala contained in this Blessed Dua' Jameelah after Salaatul Fajr, gets the sawaab as though he performed Hajj one hundred [100] times of the same blessings of Hazrat Adam Safiy Allah Alaihi Salaam. And whoever recites it after Salaatul Zhur it is as if he has performed three hundred [300] Hajj with the same barakah as Hazrat Ibraheem Khaleel Allah Alaihi Salaam. The one who recites it after Salaatul Asr received the reward of having performed one hundred [100] Hajj with the same barakah as Hazrat Isa Ruhullah Alaihi Salaam. The one who recites it after Salaatul Maghrib receives a reward as though he performed Hajj seven hundred [700] times with the same barakah [blessings] of Hazrat Yunus Alaihi Salaam. Who ever recites it after Salaat ul 'Ishaa receives a reward equivalent to one thousand [1000] Hajj as that performed by Hazrat Musa Kaleemullah Alaihi Salaam. The one who recites it after Tahajjud it is as though he has performed one hundred thousand [100.000] Hajj receiving the barakah of the Hajj as performed By Sayyidina Rasuli Akram Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.He also receives the barakah of reciting of having freed a thousand hungry people and of having given water to a thousand thirsty persons. Whoever doubts this has committed a sin and whosoever recites this dua will eliminated by the pains which a person face at the time of death and he/she will cross Pul-Sirat with ease and the reciter face will be brightening like Moon at the final day and one Angel will protect the reciter in grave until the doom's day comes.