Recytować Dua Jameela i być błogosławiona .....
Whoever recites the Names of Allahu ta 'ala contained in this Blessed Dua' Jameelah after Salaatul Fajr, gets the sawaab as though he performed Hajj one hundred [100] times of the same blessings of Hazrat Adam Safiy Allah Alaihi Salaam. And whoever recites it after Salaatul Zhur it is as if he has performed three hundred [300] Hajj with the same barakah as Hazrat Ibraheem Khaleel Allah Alaihi Salaam. The one who recites it after Salaatul Asr received the reward of having performed one hundred [100] Hajj with the same barakah as Hazrat Isa Ruhullah Alaihi Salaam. The one who recites it after Salaatul Maghrib receives a reward as though he performed Hajj seven hundred [700] times with the same barakah [blessings] of Hazrat Yunus Alaihi Salaam. Who ever recites it after Salaat ul 'Ishaa receives a reward equivalent to one thousand [1000] Hajj as that performed by Hazrat Musa Kaleemullah Alaihi Salaam. The one who recites it after Tahajjud it is as though he has performed one hundred thousand [100.000] Hajj receiving the barakah of the Hajj as performed By Sayyidina Rasuli Akram Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.He also receives the barakah of reciting of having freed a thousand hungry people and of having given water to a thousand thirsty persons. Whoever doubts this has committed a sin and whosoever recites this dua will eliminated by the pains which a person face at the time of death and he/she will cross Pul-Sirat with ease and the reciter face will be brightening like Moon at the final day and one Angel will protect the reciter in grave until the doom's day comes.