Aplikasi ini mensimulasikan Hardy-Weinberg keseimbangan dan penyimpangan nya.
Hardy-Weinberg Simulator is the first of its kind in terms of cross-platform compatibility including android devices that simulates the changes of genotype compositions and allele frequencies of a Mendelian population upto hundred generations comprising of diploid organisms. The simulation can be run based on the assumption of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium or under a set of diverse conditions that disupts or deviates the equilibrium leading to evolutionary changes. User-defined conditions on founder population composition, selection pressure, mutation rates, migration-emigration, non-random mating and fluctuating population size can be implemented singly as well as in combinations, simple or complex, to see their effects and trends on the genetic make-up of the population across generations. Essentially, this is an in-silico approach to understand evolution at population genetic level but one that does not require a super computer to run! User can save the output tables and graphs as cross-platform compatible spreadsheet and image file formats. The other apps on Hardy-Weinberg Principal those are available to date are just simple tools to calculate allele frequencies and genotype frequencies of a single generation at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium which does not actually require an app in the sense that it can easily be calculated from a set of trivial formulae.