Definition of Financial Assets The word (origin) has multiple meanings; According to the context in which
Definition of Financial Assets The word (origin) has multiple meanings; According to the context in which it was mentioned, it is said: (So-and-so has no origin, no separation); An expression of not knowing the origin of his lineage, as it is also said: (So-and-so is of honorable origin); Which means that he has a high lineage, and his family has a prestige that elevates him and his prestige, and it is said: (a copy of the original); That is, it rises to a degree close to its origin in form and importance, but the content of this word always suggests its abstract meaning from the context; The origin is the first thing, and its constituent substance, and it is the foundation upon which it is built, and this indicates that the origin of the thing has the greatest importance in the balance of language; The origin of the word is its root, and the origin of science is its rules on which the rulings are built.[1] The company’s owned and owned resources of all kinds are known by assets, and these assets are required to have a specific material value, and to be included in the company’s annual budget. Examples of them are: assets Financial, which is: the stock of the company's bank balances, bonds, bank deposits, and tangible tangible assets, in addition to the company's subsidiary and owned lands, equipment, and buildings. What falls under the company’s financial assets are what is known as prepaid expenses, including the annual fees allocated for renting the company’s building in the event that the company is required to pay the annual rent in advance, and some companies may consider that their employees are more valuable than the company’s assets. Inclusion in the company's asset lists, as well as patents, and the company's trademark; This is because it cannot be included in the budget even if it reaches international fame and a great financial value, unless the company wants to buy a trademark from another company, so the costs of this transaction are calculated from the assets of the company buying the trademark, and it is called (Intangible Assets [2][3). ] Types of financial assets and their characteristics Financial assets have three characteristics and controls that ensure their distinction from other properties, bearing in mind that these characteristics must be received together, namely: [4] Ownership according to which the person who owns these assets is entitled to; He converts it into a monetary value, or mortgages it. The considered economic value of the assets, which can be exchanged, or bid for their price. Resources, where assets are the resources that can be invested; To generate major economic benefits for the company. Financial assets have several classifications and types, including: [4] Classification of assets according to their convertibility to money. Assets are divided; According to their convertibility into cash, they are divided into two parts: Current assets: These are assets that are easily converted into cash value, and are also called (liquid assets), such as: bonuses, short-term deposits, office supplies, furniture inventory, computers, and others. Fixed assets, or non-current assets: They are assets that cannot be easily converted into a monetary value, or its equivalent; This is because it is characterized by a long term