このأغاني الشامي 2022 بدون نتについて
It includes all the songs of Shami with all the words, the new application 2022 without the net
The application includes Shami songs with all the words, it works without the net, the new application 2022
Application features:
* Play all songs without the net - for free
* An updated application that includes a lot of songs
* Automatically stop when a call is received and continue listening as soon as the call ends
* Small in size and does not take up much space in the device
* Easy to use application
* High quality sound
* High performance design
* Elegant and user-friendly design
* You can automatically switch between songs
* Random transition between songs
* High quality when listening technology 2022
The application includes all songs of the artist Shami 2022 without the Internet and in high quality
- Campaign now for free and listen to the most beautiful songs of the Shami artist with words without the net, in high quality and easy to use
Tell us in the comments if there are songs you would like us to add
To the application and do not forget to rate us with 5 stars to encourage us to motivate us
I have to keep getting better and thank you for your support
This work required a great effort from us to complete it. Do not skimp on us with support and evaluation for the application
I hope you like it
We are very pleased to rate five stars if you like the application and we hope that you like this package, and if there is any forgetfulness or shortcomings, please advise and suggest in the comments
最新バージョン 1.0 の更新情報
يحتوي التطبيق على جميع أغاني الشامي مع جميع كلمات كل التطبيق جديد 2022 بدون نت
*مميزات التطبيق:
1.يعمل بدون انترنت
2.يحتوي على جميع الاغاني مع الكلمات
3.يعمل في الخلفية
4.تطبيق صغير الحجم
5.دقة صوت عالية
6.تصميم جميل و فريد ومميز
7.إضافة كل جديد للتطبيق فور نزوله
يسعدنا كثيرا التقييم بخمس نجوم اذا اعجبكم التطبيق و نتمنى ان تعجبكم هذه الباقة وان كان هناك اي نسيان او اي شي يخص التطبيق عليكم التواصل عبر الايميل او في التعليقات مع اجمل التحية 😘