この15000+ English Learning Videosについて
Learn English with the help of 15000+ free video lessons, all topics are covered
It is now very easy and effective to learn English with the help of over 15000 free language teaching videos.
You will learn English language if you regularly view the videos provided in the app.
We have categorized the educational lessons :
- Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced levels
- Grammar
- Listening
- Speaking
- Vocabulary
- Reading
- Writing
- Numbers
- Pronunciation
Specific grammar video topics including
- Tenses
- Verbs
- Nouns
- Adjectives
- Pronuns
- Adverbs
- Idioms
Also we include
- Conversations
- English learning songs
- English movies with subtitles
- English for kids
- Stories with pictures
And you can prepare to exams like
- Cambridge exams including BEC
Please leave your feedback. We want to improve our English language videos app much better. Vote for us, share our app with the friends if you like the app.