38 DIY Home Remedies For Acne
この38 DIY Home Remedies For Acneについて
Acne Vulgarism is commonly known as Acne. Acne is the most common skin disease in the people from teenage to middle age (mostly seen in United Nations). Acne occurs when you hair follicles came into contract with oil & dead cells. i.e., during puberty, when sebaceous glands (oil glands) are combined with male hormones produced by the adrenal glands of both male & female. It is mainly due to Hormone changes, stress levels, unbalanced diet etc. Acne produces scars, irritation, redness on the affected skin etc., when it occurs. There are many ways to control Acne & also to prevent it.
Symptoms of Acne:
Following are the main symptoms of Acne.
Black heads
White heads
Cysts (red inflamed patches of skin)
Papules (small red bumps)
Crusting of skin bumps
Scarring of skin
Redness in the skin
Body Parts which are Mostly Affected by Acne:
Listed below are the parts where Acne can be seen commonly in the people.
Back side of the body
Upper arms
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