この49 CFR Part 395について
FMCSR49 CFRパート395 - ドライバのサービスの営業時間2017年7月版
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
49 CFR Part 395 - Hours of Service of Drivers
Subpart A - General
§395.1 - Scope of rules in this part
§395.2 - Definitions
§395.3 - Maximum driving time for property-carrying vehicles
§395.5 - Maximum driving time for passenger-carrying vehicles
§395.8 - Driver's record of duty status
§395.11 - Supporting documents
§395.13 - Drivers declared out of service
§395.15 - Automatic on-board recording devices
Subpart B - Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs)
§395.20 - ELD applicability and scope
§395.22 - Motor carrier responsibilities - In general.
§395.24 - Driver responsibilities - In general
§395.26 - ELD data automatically recorded
§395.28 - Special driving categories; other driving statuses
§395.30 - ELD record submissions, edits, annotations, and data retention
§395.32 - Non-authenticated driver logs
§395.34 - ELD malfunctions and data diagnostic events
§395.36 - Driver access to records
§395.38 - Incorporation by reference
Appendix A to Subpart B of Part 395 - Functional Specifications for All Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs)