このAdam and Eve booksについて
In the Abrahamic religions, Adam and Eve were the first man and woman to inhabit the Earth. The biblical passage is aimed at explaining the origin of humanity through the Jewish religion, stories that have been adopted by Christianity and Islam.
According to the Bible and the Koran, Adam was created first, and God, seeing him alone, decided that he needed a mate who was created from Adam's rib.
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-The First Book of Adam and Eve is an apocryphal text that talks about the life of Adam and Eve after leaving the Garden of Eden.
When Adam and Eve left the garden they were ordered to live in a cave, which was called the Cave of Treasures. The book says that they suffered a lot after leaving the garden, especially in the first year after the expulsion; several times they tried to commit suicide and return to paradise, until they had their first children (Cain, Abel and their sisters, not mentioned in the Bible).
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-The Second Book of Adam and Eve, also called the Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan, is a Christian pseudepigraph book found in Ethiopia in Arabic, dating from the 5th or 6th century.
In Book II, the sons of God (Nephilim), who appear in Genesis 6:2, are identified as the sons of Seth and the Daughters of Man as female descendants of Cain, who successfully seduce most of Cain's descendants. Seven. to descend from his mountain and join the descendants of Cain in the valley below, under the impulse of Genum, son of Lamech. This Genum, inventor of musical instruments, apparently corresponds to the Jubal and is also the inventor of weapons of war. The descendants of Cain, the first murderer, are described as too evil, prone to murder and incest. After seducing the descendants of Set, his sons became the Nephilim, the brave men of old in Genesis 6 who were destroyed in the Flood, as also narrated in other texts (First Book of Enoch and Book of Jubilees) .