AlarmBoxAppは「ターンキートゥルメントのAlarmBox 'を制御するためのアプリケーションです
AlarmBoxApp is an application to control 'AlarmBox' which is programmed via a 9600 Baud USB serial interface, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. Readings for the alarm triggers or analogue outputs are obtained from an instrument connected via a second serial TTL or RS485 interface, again set for 9600 Baud 8 data, 1 stop, no parity.
AlarmBox polls the connected instrument for results using a fixed string loaded via the USB interface and at a chosen polling interval. For example, readings obtained from say, an Osiris, could consist of 8 channels (TSP, PM10, PM2.5, PM1, WS, WD, T, RH). Each channel also has an associated scale factor and offset to convert the polled data to the same engineering units shown on the instrument display.
>Android® mobile device that supports ‘On the Go (OTG)’ cable.
>On The Go (OTG) cable to connect to the AlarmBox’s USB connector.