このApp Infoについて
App info gave you all the information regarding the android application.
This app will gave you the information like
👉🏾App name
👉🏾package name
👉🏾version name
👉🏾version code
👉🏾UID of the app
👉🏾Is app using safe mode
👉🏾Is this system app
👉🏾app running in foreground
👉🏾when you install this app first time
👉🏾when you update this app lats time or when last update were available for that app
👉🏾Target SDK
👉🏾List Of Permissions
👉🏾Search the permission by search function
👉🏾Open the app from the app
👉🏾copy all above information easily.
👉🏾Copy the package name by long pressing on list element
👉🏾 If you wanted to copy package name of all the apps, then click on floating copy icon.
👉🏾You can easily search the any application by search function.
👉🏾change the list style. in Grid or in Normal List.
👉🏾Cool and Professional look of app