このArabic Keyboardについて
Now type your messages,comments,save your contacts,write your stories and E-mails in Arabic Language using Arabic keyboard app.You will find superb eye catching themes from Arabic Keyboard.You can set your own photo in keyboard as a background.
★★★★★ Features ★★★★★
★With Arabic and Suggestion
★ Arabic keypad allow you to write text in Arabic language as well as in English also.
★ Can set your photo as background in keyboard.
★ See preview of keyboard inside app.
★ Creates contacts in Arabic
★ Chat with your friends in Arabic
★ Use whatsApp, Facebook, Viber and all social media in Arabic
★ Easily switch From Arabic to English and from English to Arabic using this Arabic Keypad.
★ Select default theme that more attract and in which alphabets are more visible to your eyes.
★ English keyboards
★ Arabic Keyboard
★ Numeric keypad
How it work:
• After installing the Arabic keyboard click on Enable keyboard and select Arabic keyboard.
• After enabling the Arabic keyboard set the input method to Arabic keyboard.
• Select theme that more attract and in which alphabets are more visible to your eyes or chose your own picture as a them and enjoy writing Arabic with beautiful Arabic Keyboard.