このArches Collectorについて
Arches CollectorはArches用のモバイルデータコレクションコンパニオンアプリです。
Arches Collector is the mobile data collection companion app for the Arches cultural heritage data management platform. Arches Collector is a powerful app for data collection projects, such as field surveys, and can be used to enter or edit cultural heritage data in the field.
• iOS and Android devices
• Arches version 4.4.2 or later
Features and capabilities:
• Online and offline access. Data collected is synced to your existing Arches v4 instance when a cellular or network connection is available.
• Options to flag data as “provisional” for review, or automatically publish data, are managed by the Arches administrator, which can help facilitate crowdsourcing.
• Project parameters, such as specific users, project start and end dates, geographic area and relevant data entry fields, are defined by the Arches administrator.
• Options for users to collect data by pinpointing map locations, taking photos, selecting from customizable lists, or entering free text.
For more information, please visit http://www.archesproject.org/collector