Demo Account:
Username - DemoAccount
Password - demoaccount
Student success depends a lot on the combination of School's involvement and parental involvement.
School's involvement + Parental Involvement = Students' Success.
Over the years, School’s involvement has been getting better and better, the other part of the
equation has drastically reduced in quality and quantity. This is partly because parents are getting too busy.
BeeTwo ensures:
• Better Parents’ involvement in their wards’ schooling activities
• Seamless communication between Parents and Teachers
• Ease and convenience of fees payments
• Taking advantage of mobile technology to get parents involved and brand school
• Better overall student performance and happiness
• Happier Parents, Teachers and School
The app has the following features:
• Event Calendar
• Homework Module to receive the ward’s homework before getting home
• Event reminder and notifications
• Push Notifications from Teachers and school Administrators
• Payment of fees
• Send Messages to Teachers and School Administrators