このBlack and Lock Screenについて
When you want to listen to musics or other audios, but they are only available in video form, you could use this App to black out the screen and disable part of touch function of your screen (navigation bar, such as home button, and status bar, on the top of screen where time, and WiFi status shows, are still touchable) to save your screen.
This App is simple to use, the control UI is on status bar (slide down from top of the screen), and there are three buttons.
1.Start: black out and lock part of touch function of the screen, and set brightness value to the lowest
2.Stop: turn screen back to original color and brightness; also, enable touch screen, but not close the App
3.Close: turn screen back to original color and brightness; also, enable touch screen, then close the App
*Due to lost of my keystore (which is used for Android developer), I wasn't able to update original version, so I unpublished previous version, and recreated this application.