このBlues Jam Tracks for Guitarについて
9 free blues jam tracks, great for improvising guitar solos! All 12 keys.
***** Blues Jam Tracks for Guitar *****
● 9 seperate professionally recorded blues jam tracks in a variety of blues styles.
● Each track can be adjusted to play in all 12 keys.
● Tempo of each track can be adjusted allowing a wide range of speeds.
● For each track there are scales diagrams for the pentatonic scales and arpeggios needed to jam along with the track.
● Track 1: Driving Blues. 71bpm, swing rhythm. A classic blues shuffle riff with bass, guitar and drums.
● Track 2: Leslie Blues. 38bpm swing. Jazzy chords played by guitar through a leslie speaker cabinet. A really slow track, great for soulful blues playing.
● Track 3: Texas Shuffle. 125bpm swing. A raunchy Texas blues shuffle in the style of Stevie Ray Vaughan. Sounds great with classic minor pentatonic blues licks.
● Track 4: Rocky Blues. 170bpm straight. Fast rock n roll guitar riffs with hammond organ, bass and drums. Classic Chuck Berry licks sound great here.
● Track 5: Uptempo Blues. 168bpm swing. This uptempo jam sounds great mixed with some BB King licks.
● Track 6: Slow Blues. 57bpm swing. This moody jam track combines B3 organ with guitar, bass and drums.
● Track 7: Rock Riff Blues 120 straight. An agressive rocky blues track.
● Track 8: ZZ Blues 140 swing. This backing track is similar to the king of thing Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top may play.
● Track 9: Bo Dee Blues. 110bpm straight. The classic Bo Diddly riff!
These tracks can a great way for beginners to start with blues guitar improvising. More advanced players can use the scales and arpeggios for following the chords when playing solos that hit chord tones.