このBTS Song & Lyricsについて
It is an application that allow you to listen and know the lyrics of your favorite song artist.
we provide the latest and most popular songs at this time, this application is very easy to use. you can get it for free.
Best Lyrics of Bangtan Boys (BTS) :
1 Bangtan Boys - "Miss Right"
2 "Bangtan Boys - ""Awake"" (performed by Jin)"
3 Bangtan Boys - "Hip Hop Lover (?????)"
4 Bangtan Boys - "Let Me Know"
5 Bangtan Boys - "Rain"
6 "Bangtan Boys - ""Mama"" (performed by J-Hope)"
7 Bangtan Boys - "Boy In Luv (Japanese Version)"
8 Bangtan Boys - "I Like It (???!; I Ne!)"
9 Bangtan Boys - "Fun Boys ?????"
10 Bangtan Boys - "Outro: Love Is Not Over"
11 Bangtan Boys - "Move ??"
12 Bangtan Boys - "?? (Autumn Leaves)"
13 Bangtan Boys - "Butterfly"
14 "Bangtan Boys - ""First Love"" (performed by Suga)"
15 "Bangtan Boys - ""Stigma"" (performed by V)"
16 Bangtan Boys - "Blood Sweat & Tears (? ? ??)"
17 Bangtan Boys - "Intro: Boy Meets Evil"
18 Bangtan Boys - "Am I Wrong"
19 Bangtan Boys - "21st Century Girls (21?? ??)"
20 Bangtan Boys - "Interlude: Wings"
There are many more song applications from other famous singers.
Download now and enjoy it. Have a nice day.
Disclaimer :
1. All of content in this application is not our trademark.
2. We only get the content from search engine, and website.
3. Please let me know if your original content want to remove from our application.
4. This app is unofficial app and only support streaming. This app only provides Mp3 Streaming and no download feature because it can infringe copyright.