このcat in phone funny jokeについて
Download this amazing cat walks on screen phone and prank your friends
Cat in Phone screen funny joke have Cat roaming in your phone and walking on your phone screen. Cute Puppy and cat keeps walking and playing in your phone for Fun with your friends & family. This prank is more cute than scary. Ideal prank if you want to entertain kids.
You will see cat walking on your phone screen no matter you are listening to music, playing game, Chatting on Facebook, Playing Video or surf web. It will be fun to prank your friends and let's see how they act when see cat walking from one side of screen to another.
Cat in Phone screen funny joke is the best cat Prank you can have in your phone. It comes in two variations:
1. Cat Walking in Phone - cat Walking has a cat casually walking in the phone around. The cat comes and Goes around the screen. Cat inside your phone is stuck in phone until you release the cat in phone.
2. Barking Cat Popup - You can schedule when you want a Barking cat popup on screen and scare your friends and family. Cat Popup Prank has a cat Popup on screen when you want it to scare your friends of cat.
Cat in Phone screen is full fledged funny prank and scary prank at the same time. Cat Stuck in Phone is a funny prank thats never ending if you want. Cat Barking Prank is best Scary Prank you can have with a cat
We also advice you to install our best application "Mouse on Screen scary joke". Run both animals in the same time. It will look as if a cat was chasing a mouse!.
In this app, you will see cat walk on your phone screen no matter you are listening to music, playing game or surf web.
Main features of the application:
- natural and fluent movements of cat with sound of cat.
- choice of the screen edge of animal's movements.
- setting the speed of cat, and Type of cat..
- an animation of the mammal always displayed in the foreground.
How can you prank your friends?
- Install our great application.
- Set the vermin to appear few seconds/minutes ahead.
-Give the phone back to your victim.
- Look at his reaction and laugh as much as possible :)
*If you have any suggestion for our app to be better or want to help us translate app to your language, Contact to us by email:
Note: This App is Only For Entertainment purpose.