このChit Chatについて
Chit Chatは、友人や家族とのチャットに最適なアプリです
why chit chat is best;
No fees; chit chat uses your phone,s internet connection (4G'''''3G''''2G''''EDGE OR Wi-fi' as available)to let you message andcall friends and family''' so you don''t have to pay for every message or call'''there are no subcription fees to use chit chat.
MULTIMMEDIA; send and receive photos'' vedios'' documents'' and voice message''
GROUP CHAT;enjoy group chat with your contects so you can easily stay in touch with your friends and family.
NEW CHANNEL'' make ypoe own channel in chit chat and invite friends fpr suscribe your channel.
FREE CALLS''' call your friends and family for free with chit chat calling, even if they,re in another country''
chit chat calls use your phone,s internet connection rather than your callular plan,s voice minutes.