このConcrete Ultimate Limit Stateについて
鉄筋コンクリートのセクションの組み合わせストレスに検証ULS(Eurocode 2)
The application performs the verification to combined stress (combined compress or tension and bending stress) of rectangular sections (pillars and beams) in reinforced concrete with simple or double reinforcement by the method of the ultimate limit state second the prescriptions of the Eurocode 2.
The application calculates the last resistant moment in correspondence of Normal stress. The verification of resistance (ULS ) performs checking that the moment resistant limit is greater or equal in comparison to the moment applied.
The program visualizes the input data, output data of the verification and the diagram M-N. It’s possible to select six different work languages (Italian, English, French , Spanish ,German, Portuguese,Polish).
* * The application holds him can be useful to engineers, architects and university students.