このDr. Amr Massoud Clinicについて
Amr Massoud教授أستاذدكتور/عمرومسعود
Prof. Dr. Amr Massoud أستاذ دكتور/ عمرو مسعو د
Languages Arabic , English
Specialization Urology
Current position Professor of Urology
Bani Swaif University
Faculty of Medicine
Bani Swaif, Egypt
Former position Chief of Department of Urology
Bani Swaif University
Faculty of Medicine
Bani Swaif, Egypt Lecturer of Urology
Cairo University
Faculty of Medicine
Cairo, Egypt
• PhD MD Urology 1993
Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine.
Cairo, Egypt
• Masters in Urology 1986
Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine
Cairo, Egypt
• MBBCh 1981
Ain Shams University - Faculty of Medicine
Cairo, Egypt
Professional memberships
• Egyptian Urological Association (EUA)
• Sosciete International de Urologie (SIU)
• European Association of Urology (EAU)
• American Urological Association (AUA)
• The value of ultrasonography in diagnosis of urologic disease. MS Thesis Cairo Uni, 1986.
• Ultrasonography in diagnosis of lower urinary tract diseases. MD Thesis, Cairo Uni, 1992.
• Diagnostic value of TRUS in lower UT diseases. 25th annual meeting of the EUA, 1990.
• The value of TRUS guided biopsy & PSA estimation in diagnosis of prostate cancer. 25th annual meeting of the EUA, 1990.
• TRUS in evaluation of patients with Haemospermia. 27th annual meeting of the EUA, 1992.
• Use of TRUS for morphometric evaluation of BPH. 27th annual meeting of the EUA, 1992.
• TRUS with guided needle biopsy for diagnosis of local pelvic recurrences after radical cystsectomy. 6th International congress on interventional ultrasound. Copenhagen, Denmark. 1993
• The value of PSA density in the diagnosis of prostetic diseases. 2nd Annual meeting of Pan African Urological Association, 1993
• Correlation of power doppler with micro vessel density in assessing prostate needle biopsy. N.M. Wilson, A.M.Masoud, H.B.Barsoum, M.M.Refaat, M.H. Moustafa, T.A. Kamal. Journal of Clinical Radiology.
• Tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) operation versus Modified Pereyra Bladded Neck suspension: A prospective randomized comparative study. M.S.A. Azim, E.S.Ismail, A.M. Massoud. The Medical Journal of Cairo University, Vol. 72, No.2, (suppl. II) June 2004:191-196
• Laparoscopic Versus Open Ileal Ureter. A. Farouk, A. MAssoud, K. Moursi, J. Kaouk, I.S.Gill. The Medical Journal of Cairo University, Vol. 72, No2, (suppl.II) June 2004:233-235
• Long-Term results of clean intermittent catheterization. A. MAssoud, M.S.A. Azim. Medical Journal of Cairo University.
• BTA TRAK Assay compared to urine cytology in bladder cancer detection. K.M.A. Gabal, A.H. Zidan, A. Massoud. The Journal of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences. Vol. 11(4) October, 1999:333-340
• Laparoscopic evaluation of two different anti-reflex techniques of uretero-intestinal anastomosis-metabolic impact. K. Mursi, A. Massoud, S. Bakry, A. Farouk, I.S. Gill. The Medical Journal of Cairo University.
• Diagnosis of prostate cancer by transrectal Ultrasound and power Doppler sonography. NM Wilson, HB Barsoum, FA Tantawy, TA Kamal, MM Refaat, AM Massoud. The Medical Journal of Cairo University.