このECER 2017, Copenhagenについて
会議ECER 2017、コペンハーゲンのためのモバイルアプリ
ECER 2017 is the annual Conference of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) attracting about 2500 participants per year. The aim of the EERA is to further high quality educational research for the benefit of education and society. High quality research not only acknowledges its own context but also recognises wider, transnational contexts with their social, cultural and political similarities and differences.
The association’s activities, such as the annual conference, season schools for emerging researchers and publishing, build on and promote free and open dialogue and critical discussion and take a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to theory, methods and research ethics.
The ECER 2017 smartphone/tablet app provides you with the most comfortable tool for planning your participation in European Conference on Educational Research conference. Browse the complete programme directly from your phone or tablet and create your very own agenda on the fly.