このEMF Meter : Emf Detectorについて
EMF Meter: EMF Detector
Our EMF Meter & EMF Detector is very simple and easy to use. This is true EMF Detector which gives you accurate measurements with the help of your mobile sensor. Our Electrosmart and EMF Reader Has EMF needle to find Electromagnetic Field values through class EMF Analyzer.
Use EMF Meter to detect different devices, electromagnetic fields value and metal. Sometimes presence of paranormal entities can also be measured by EMF analyzer only if a sudden change appears in EMF Field.
This EMF Meter & EMF Detector app has great accuracy with graph of displayed readings with a line of needle meter. These all functions makes the app very easy to use for user to detect study magnetic field.
EMF Meter & EMF Detector will display the readings with a line of classic needle meter. Electromagnetism, study magnetism and earth geomagnetic field can also be measured through EMF Analyzer and EMF Reader App.
EMF Analyzer Measure the presence of EMF through built in tri-axis magnetic sensor. This EMF Meter & Electrosmart app is not only for EMF but can also detect metals, Magnetic and also some people believes that this EMF Detector app can be used as ghost Detector.
Your Phone Magnetic Sensor Will be necessary to use this Electrosmart and EMF Reader app. So make sure to have magnetic sensor in your smart phone. Otherwise Electrosmart and EMF Reader App will not work in your smart phone.
How do you know if your phone doesn’t have magnetic sensor?
This is very simple. When you open EMF meter to detect electromagnetic Frequency, then watch the readings carefully. If the reading are zero then it means that electrosmart and EMF reader app will not work in your phone.