このEritrean Music 2017について
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Eritrea is a country in the Horn of Africa. Perhaps the most famous Eritrean musicians in history are Engineer Asgedom Woldemichael, Bereket Mengisteab, Yemane Baria, Osman Abderrehim, Alamin Abdeletif and Atowe Birhan Segid, some of whose music was banned by the Ethiopian government in the 1970s. Also of note is Bereket Mengistab, who has had a lengthy career, and 1960s legends Haile Ghebru and Tewolde Redda. The latter was one of the first electric guitar players in the Horn region, a singer, and reportedly a writer of the famous Eritrean independence song "Shigey habuni", with an allegedly coded political love theme.
Eritrean music is distinguished by its unique rhythm. Modern popular stars include Bereket Mengistab, Teklé Tesfa-Ezighe Tekele Kifle Mariam (Wedi Tukul), Tesfai Mehari (Fihira), Osman Abderrehim, Abrar Osman, Abraham Afwerki, Yemane Ghebremichael, Idris Mohamed Ali, Alamin Abdeletif, Tsehaytu Beraki, Atewebrhan Segid and Berekhet Mengisteab.
list of popular songs :
1. Eritrean Music Redaie Zeybla
2. Eritrean Music By Korchach
3. Helen Meles Dibab 2012
4. Abraham Afewerki Timnitey
5. Robel Mussie Eritrean Music
6. Yemane Barya
7. Solomie Mahray Remix - Seb Mekuaney
8. Eritrean Music Andit Okbay
9. Isaac Simon Negere Zkri
10. Tomas Alazar emenni 2012 Song