このETA Calculator Proについて
This is the pro version of the popular ETA calculator. In addition to all of the features found in the Free ETA Calculator, the Pro version includes:
- A speed required calculator,
- Display of ETA for multiple speeds
- Ability to factor in Vessel Stopped time into ETA calculations.
- No Ads
ETA Calculator Pro Features:
- Calculates the Speed required to reach a destination at a specific time (Pro Version Only)
- Passage Plan calculation allows users to set departure time, departure timezone and destination timezone. Displays ETA for multiple speeds (Pro Version Only)
-Passage Plan calculation allows users to allow for vessel stopped time in their ETA's (Pro Version Only)
- No Adverts (Pro Version Only)
- Calculates ETA and displays result in days, hours and minutes.
- Displays ETA in destinations timezone.
- Quick calculation for quickly finding out your ETA
If you would like to suggest any new features or need support please email me at beachgrovesoftware@gmail.com
Please ensure your device is set to the correct time. The app calculates the ETA based on your devices time.
// ***** Disclaimer ***** //
The developer of this app is not responsible for any incorrect calculations or data obtained from use of this app. It is the users responsibility to check the reliability of the information provided by the app with their own manual calculations.