Feedback2Go allows customers travelling on NSW public transport, roads and waterways a quick and simple method to provide service-related feedback using their mobile device. It’s free and easy to use and quicker than calling and waiting to speak to an operator.
You can snap a photo, tag your location and identify the transport mode you want to comment on. You can describe the issue and submit feedback direct to Transport for NSW.
Features and benefits:
• A mobile channel that makes it easier for you to provide feedback on major transport modes: Metro, Train, Bus, Ferry, Light Rail, Roads and Maritime.
• Include photos and location to assist with your feedback
• Icons make it easy to select the service or mode feedback relates to
• Describe the issue in your own words
• Track your feedback and its status in real time.
最新バージョン の更新情報
Updated details on where to find carriage IDs and bus numbers
Other minor updates and bug fixes