このFind ParkingSlot & TrafficSignについて
Find Parking Slot & Traffic Sign helps in indicating nearest parking slots that will be shown to you after opening road signs app worldwide with the specific country and city where you are located, so in order to enhance the efficiency use of traffic sign quiz app, your current location in the app helps in locating nearest parking slots that also indicating that how to get entrance the slot and to assure about car spacing. It consist of almost 1000+ sign boards that gives you help in safely driving with a regular approval based on the city traffic police rules regulation instead of traffic violations.
Find Parking Slot &Traffic Sign is the best app in order to learn about traffic signs of the world in English language. All Traffic Sings and other guidelines are described in English and with all necessary instructions available in English, that are provided by the country City Traffic Police and Licensing Authorities. The main aim of this application is to help the user i.e. a driving learner in understanding and learning various sign/rule to be followed for safe driving and also help driving learner for preparing driving licence exam as well.
However a non-driving learner can also use Find Parking Slot &Traffic Sign as keeping knowledge about traffic sign which are very important to drive particularly in cities of the country. Safety signal app is closely made to learn the technique for driving safely and secondly if someone want to get licence so sign learning is also helpful in passing driving tests. Users can also appear for test to know how will they have to understand bright signs learning with fun. Traffic sign learning consist of Road Signs like (Mandatory, Informative, Warning, Road Markings, and Signals by Police, Hazardous, Light Signals, Motorway and Signal for another user).
Key Features:
Showing Parking slots & car spacing
Light signals controlling traffic
Signals to other road user
Signals by authorised persons
Traffic sign rules
Road marking rules
Vehicle markings
The app consist of traffic sign quiz
Also helps in indicating traffic signs as well as traffic sign and practice test.