このGame Releases (DEPRECATED)について
Simple app that gives you an easily overview of games which are announced to be released soon.
The app shows games for all current platforms:
- Windows
- Xbox One
- Playstation 4
- Nintendo Switch
- Nintendo 3Ds
- All Upcoming games with their date and days left to it
- Mark your favorite games
- Get Notified about your favorite games ( 1, 3, 7, and 30 days before)
- Filter games by genres, themes and game modes
- Search for games
- Save and share covers and screenshots of a game
- Backup and restore your favorite games (experimental)
Upcoming features:
- Add games to calendar
- Filtering for different platforms
- Some design improvments and more animations
If you have any ideas for some features let me know!
All game data are freely provided by IGDB.com.