Get About Singapore - Get all information about Singapore
You can get helpful contents that we've collected by ourselves through Singapore Tour App!
No more search on the internet about information that famous restaurants, sights, activities and accommodations~!
You don't need to worry about first trip to Singapore with Get About Singapore that contains about 300 necessary tour information
in Singapore.
Get About Singapore provides:
1. Collected specific information about famous restaurants in Singapore with detailed map.
2. Information about shopping malls, sights, museums and tourist attractions.
3. Information about interesting festivals and various activities in not only center of Singapore but also outskirts.
4. Detailed information about over 150 hotels and resorts.
5. Reviews of skilled travelers in blog format.
6. User's assessment on your own page, sharing with other users.
7. Notice board that you may find out notifications and Get About app events information.
8. Information about locations of restaurants, sights, activities and accommodations around you.
9. Downloading fuctions that you can download contents each area and then use them without WiFi and 3G/4G network.
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We'd like to get feedbacks from you also if you have any question or problem, don't hesitate to contact us.
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