このGlobal Responseについて
Comply365 gives Global Response app users fast and easy access to consolidated information and basic response training on Ebola, compiled from the world’s leading health, safety and emergency response organizations. Organized for quick reference, the information and training is designed for professionals who work directly with the general public, or for anyone concerned about the Ebola crisis who desires to know more.
· Easy access to Ebola reference materials from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention
· Helpful Favorites feature to make any publication your Favorite
· Access to step-by-step Ebola Infection Awareness Training for airline employees
· Access to step-by-step Ebola Readiness Training for state and local public health officials
· Electronic smart forms for airline employees to report onboard illness or death to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention
· Quick reference Resources for travel advisories, guidance materials, and web links to key websites
· App automatically links and syncs in connectivity with the Global Response site to ensure the user receives the latest and greatest information
· Training completion reporting available to organizations that contact Comply365
· All information and training content based on the latest public information provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
· App is free to the public and to airline and public health officials
· App is ad-free and spam free