GPS Camera
2.2 - 2.3.4
Android OS
このGPS Cameraについて
The camera app takes two photos, one with lat,long and compass heading as well as time and date on the photo itself and another identical photo without this information.
The on-screen buttons control zoom (The +/- magnifyer) White balance, Focus mode, Flash mode and exposure compensation (the +/- yellow light bulbs). The menu has options for ISO, image size and measurement units. The iris-shaped button on the right takes photographs and touching the screen activates the focus.
If a GPS location is not available, the heading displayed on screen and on the photo will be the local magnetic heading but this will change to True if a GPS location is available.
It is advisable to wait for the application to finish saving the photos (A notification will pop up and the red line will disappear from the shutter icon.) before switching the phone off, otherwise the save may be incomplete or corrupt.
The accuracy of the compass depends on the accuracy and calibration of the phone hardware.
Finally, this app was developed and tested on a HTC Desire running Android 2.3.3 and although it should work on other phones I have no way of testing this.
The app is now free as a result in changes to VAT laws.