このGuide For FIFA 16について
FIFA 16のためのガイドは、あなたがFIFA 16プロになるために必要なすべてを持っています
Guide For FIFA 16 includes tips and guides for the game. Everything is easily accessed on your phone. All have been sorted into categories, so can be found easily.
★ Tips and Guides for FIFA 16
★ All Basic Controls, Skill Moves and Celebrations
★ Videos included for Skills
★ Easy to read codes
★ Regular Updates
This application is an unofficial guide for FIFA 16. It is intended for educational purposes only. This application is the sole creation and responsibility of the developer. The developer is not endorsed by or affiliated with EA Sports. Neither has anyone else authorised, sponsored or sanctioned this unofficial guide. All names and events and all other aspects concerning the Sims are the property of their respective owners. All trademark and copyright concerning the Sims are the property of their respective owners. We make no claim to and don't have any rights to any of the foregoing. Images in this application are used only to convey what the application is about. In creating this unofficial guide to the Sims, we assert its rights under the "fair use" doctrine pursuant to United States copyright law and the equivalent in other jurisdictions such as UK and DK and FR.
最新バージョン 1.2 の更新情報
Added videos for skills