このHTML5 IDE / Editor for Chromeについて
HTML5 / Javascriptのエディタは、Android上でホストされています。これは、JSONコンテンツを連載しました。
* Note: Run in Google Chrome
Easy HTML5 Markup Tag and Attribute Access
Web Server for Desktop Access to the Editor
Rapid Edit Icon Menu
Drag and Drop Image, Audio and Video Creation
Inline Content Editing
Drag and Drop Element Sizing and Placement
Copy and Paste from Word, Web Pages or Other Rich Editors
Email me at [email protected]
Google Chrome v8 keeps breaking my code. Send me bugfixes.
I'll send you the source if you setup a git.
The blog is at: https://androidnetworks.wordpress.com/2014/12/14/web-ide-integrated-development-environment/
Demo Video: https://youtu.be/51W-DS2ceY4
Online Web Browser Version: https://bitbucket.org/webdaemon/webbuilder/wiki/Home
The web server files are at /sdcard/WebBuilder
Video has to be from same domain.
To drag and drop move, select element on left, click D, then click on element, then click on destination location.
To drag and drop size, select element on left, click D, then find resize arrows on bottom/left/bottomleftcorner and click, then click destination resizing.
To edit inline, select element on left, then click E, then edit and Click Z.
To copy and paste, copy, then Edit via E, paste, then click Z
To drop video/audio/image/content, select element on left, click E, then edit to make room, and drag and drop on to open space, then click Z.
You can edit JSON via {} option. Save can save
You can load JSON via ?json=saved.json or ?js=saved.js for executed js
You can load by pasting into {} text box.
You can download HTML via <> option.
Email me to create videos of options.